Jackson Pollock

This week reception has learnt about the artist Jackson Pollock.
We learnt some facts, looked at his art work and discussed and explained why we did or did not like his work.
We had the opportunity to paint in the style of Jackson Pollock outside. We used the “drip” and the “splash” method. The two reception classes worked together as a team and made one big piece of artwork.
Some children decided to write a speech bubble to voice what they had learnt about Jackson Pollock or their opinions on his artwork.


To celebrate One World Week last week, RS enjoyed going on a pretend flight to China. We learnt about China’s flag and lots of interesting facts about giant pandas.


Our “one world” country in RDB is France! This week we have been learning about France, some French words, French food and we have even set up our own French cafe. We have been learning about some familiar landmarks in France like the Eiffel Tower and looking at its structure. We have learnt that a lot of the landmarks in France are situated in Paris and Paris is the capital of France. The children were challenged to make the Eiffel Tower using play dough. We included some mathematical language like “archway” and “vertical” when describing its form. We have enjoyed looking at the Eiffel Tower in the day time and night time and we have drawn and painted our perception of it.

RS Library visit

RS had a fantastic first visit to our local library last week. We learnt how to find different books and how we can borrow them. We had lots of time to explore the books and the librarian shared a story with us.


In reception this week we have been focusing on story re-telling. Our book for the past two weeks has been “Elmer”.
We have been using the story tuff tray to retell the “Elmer” story and some children have even written their own version, using tales toolkit.
We have also been sequencing the story using picture prompts. Some great story telling this week!

Police visit in reception

Wow! What an amazing experience reception had today.
In reception we have been learning about public services, their job roles and what impact they have on the world around us. Today we had a visit from some police officers. We learned why police are important and what jobs they do day to day to keep us safe. The police officer let us try on some police uniform and even let us sit in a patrol car! We enjoyed every minute. A big thank you to the police for giving up their time today!

Reception science week!

This week is science week! 

For science week, the children in reception have been learning about how bees care for our world. We learned about what jobs bees do, what pollination means and how this helps our world. 

We found out that when bees pollinate plants, they help the food that we eat, to grow! 

We had some visitors come from “De Beer’s Garden Centre” to talk about plants and bees. We learned what flowers and plants bees are attracted to and even had a go at planting “cosmos” seeds. We are going to watch them grow in the classroom window and when they are ready, we will plant them into our school garden to see if we can spot the bees visiting. 

Local Library Visits – we are so glad they are back!

So pleased that our local library visits are getting underway – over the rest of the school year, each of our classes will get the chance to visit either Stirchley or Selly Oak Library.
On Monday RD visited our local Library “Selly Oak Library in Touchbase pears”.
We walked to the library, listened to a story and then looked through some books. The children loved exploring some books they recognised and some new stories too. We even had some lovely story telling from our parent helpers!
Then later in the week 3M had a great time in Stirchley library! We enjoyed looking through many books and reading for pleasure on the carpet. Then, David read us all a funny picture book. Many of us want to sign up to the library now!

Pancake Day in reception

Pancake day is coming up on Tuesday 21st of February. So, in Reception we decided to have a special treat for the last day of half term and we make some pancakes.
We read the story “Mr Wolf’s Pancakes” by the author Jan Fearnley. The children had a go at mixing the batter and then watching Miss De Beer fry the pancakes. We discussed what our favourite toppings are that we like on our pancakes at home. We had sugar and lemon on our pancakes at school.