‘This Is Our World’

Phase 1 celebrated One World Day this week and listened to a story from ‘This Is Our World’ by Asa Gilland and Tracey Turner. We looked at two contrasting places and the lives of the children who live in Norway and the Sahara Desert. We all joined in with a song ‘We’ve Got the Whole World in Our Hands’ and discussed how we must look after it and each other.

Local Park Visit!

Today Reception visited our local park again with two missions in mind:
1. Pick up some litter to show we care for our environment.
2. Spot any signs of Spring.
We succeeded in both – we collected up lots of litter and spotted some wonderful daffodils, buds and crocuses.  We had a “moment of silence” and heard some lovely birds chirping whilst watching a crow build a nest.
We had a lovely walk and hope to go again in Summer to see how the seasons change the world around us.

World Book Day – Reception

On World Book Day, Reception loved finding out about Nathan Byron, the author of this week’s book, Clean Up.  We were inspired to find out about his other books and looked at similarities between the books he had written.

We shared our favourite books with each other and wrote Tales Toolkit book reviews to encourage others to read them.


Puffin Peter in reception

This week Reception have done lots of learning based on the book Puffin Peter.
We wrote ‘LOST’ posters to help find Peter, writing in more detail so that Paul could find him. We also did some careful observational drawings, looking carefully at colours and shapes when drawing. Have a look at these examples.

Little Red Riding Hood

Reception have loved learning about the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood. We have acted out the story in our classrooms and made characters from the story. We were so excited to go on our first trip together to the REP theatre to see it performed!

Receptions new topic is “What are celebrations?”

And there are so many celebrations happening at the moment for us to learn about! We did lots of exciting activities to celebrate firework and bonfire night as well as Diwali!  We learnt the story of Rama and Sita, made Diya lamps out of playdoh and made colourful firework paintings.   Have a look at the photo, do you like our rangoli pattern?
This week we have made Poppies to wear for Remembrance Day, it really put our cutting skills to the test!

Phonics Workshop

Mrs Sheahan and Ms Cullen would like to thank the adults that were able to attend the phonics workshop this week. We showed parents how we delivered the Little Wandle phonics program and how we develop all the reading skills our children use to become successful readers. We finished our sessions with the message that ALL reading is good for us, grab a book, get comfy, and lose yourselves in book as often as you possibly can.

Check out the information shared here – Reception Phonics Workshop