All that glitters is…. the Strictly Come Nursery Christmas Party 2020! 

We have had a wonderful day full of Christmas joy. The children all looked fab -u-lous in their party outfits. We made decorations from Rosemary to hang in our homes, party hats, played good old Pass the Parcel, created wreaths from paper plates had a grand time dancing and even got to hold the Strictly glitter ball! Phew! and our score from the judges… 10 10 10 (of course!)
The Nursery teachers thought it was a shame that Giovanni and Gorka couldn’t be here but maybe next year 😉
We would like to also take this opportunity to thank all the families for sending in a decoration to hang on our Christmas tree and most of all, to wish you and your families a Very Merry Christmas and here is to an even better 2021.
With love from
Miss Killelay, Mrs Cotton and Mrs Whelan.

Christmas Cheer in Nursery

Preparations are well and truly underway for the festive season. A big parcel arrived last week for us and inside was our very own Christmas tree. Thank you to all who are sending in decorations – after isolating them, they look lovely on the tree.
We have also been busy making Christmas cards and paper chains and measuring them so see who has the shortest and longest chain.

Maths and Language Superstar

This afternoon Miss Lowry had a special visitor from Nursery who came with Miss Killelay to share some fabulous number and language work. They were able to use language like ‘less’ and ‘more’ and explained beautifully how they had been counted into the groups. I think you will agree that this deserved a very special award sticker. We are incredibly proud of this work shared today.


Nursery News

Nursery with Miss Killelay

From the moment your child arrives at our school, they become part of our family. We learn together and care for each other. Our staff are as committed to the welfare of the children as they are to their academic achievement and we work hard to make Raddlebarn Nursery feel like home. We provide an environment that is warm, caring and supportive, because we know that this kind of family atmosphere makes the children feel safe and helps them become more confident learners.

This year we have had to make the needed adaptations due to Covid 19 but usually because we’re a family school, everyone is welcome to join in! There will be lots of opportunities for the whole family to become involved in life at Nursery, whether it be seasonal celebrations, concerts, nature days, fundraising events, or special invites to workshops that will help to inspire learning beyond the school gates and into your family home.

This is the beginning of a very special journey that we take together, sharing in the raising of every child, holding dear to our hearts the old African proverb,  ‘It takes a whole village to raise a child.’

Nursery is often a child’s first venture alone into the larger world outside the family home. What children experience and learn in Nursery can create strong and lasting foundations on which to build in later life, so we believe it is essential that the experiences are of the highest quality.

We look forward to welcoming you, your child and your family into ours.