Nursery met Hazel

The Nursery were so very excited on Friday as Hazel our school dog came to visit us on her first day at school, with her ‘mummy’ Miss Lowry. Hazel is a Cockapoo. We had to be really quiet as she is still such a very young puppy.
The children were lovely and in awe of her cuteness. We have bought Hazel toys from each of the groups – A squeaky Badger from the Badgers, A crunchy squeaky, squirrel from… guess who? the Squirrel group and a cuddly Fox from of course, the Foxes.
We also made Hazel a ‘1st day at school’ cake in the shape of a Christmas tree and put one candle on it to celebrate the special occasion. Of course, Hazel is not allowed to eat it so we did instead!
We cannot wait to get to know Hazel more and to see how she grows now she is part of our Raddlebarn family.
Happy Christmas Hazel xx

Sparkle and Shine – Nursery

Oh gosh… sparkle and shine have indeed been the buzz words in Nursery over the past few weeks!  Rehearsing and performing in our Nativity play has been a highlight and the children were amazing!
We managed to get our letters written to Santa after sharing the book, ‘Dear Santa’ by Rod Campbell. We were inspired to do our own ‘lift the flap’ letters. Let us hope with the postal strike, our letters will reach the North Pole before Christmas Eve! We are sure Santa’s Elves will help them on the way.
We made button wreathes for the Winter Bazaar and were immensely proud of the results. We hope you love them too.
Outdoors, we have taken advantage of the frosty mornings and been out to explore just what frost is and how it reacts to different temperatures… as you can see, a few children were even brave enough to experiment by taking their socks and shoes off! Thank goodness we were not out there too long!
From us all in the Nursery – we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Nursery this week…

Over the past few weeks, Nursery have been busy exploring patterns. After looking at the patterns on our socks during ‘Odd Sock’ day we turned our attention to creating patterns with loose parts, such as beads, gems, buttons, stars and glittery pipe cleaners.
Elsewhere, not wanting our pumpkins to go to waste, we have used these to practise fine-motor skills and develop our eye-hand coordination. Who knew that golf-tees would make excellent nails as we used hammers to drive them into the pumpkins!

Nursery this week…

The Nursery began anti bullying week by wearing odd socks and talked about how it is ok to be different and to celebrate what makes each and everyone of us so special. We played games such as find the odd sock! We had to find the missing sock and match it to the odd one. We also designed our own pair of socks too. We have been talking lots about our emotions and how we can deal with situations that sometimes make us sad. We use the fabulous book The Colour Monster by Anna Llena to help us understand and talk more about our feelings. Making our own emotion jars and playing The Colour Monster board game has helped us to recognise and talk about the range of emotions we may feel each day.

Teddy Toddle News

We are delighted to let everyone know that our Early Years Teddy Toddle raised an astounding £1,625.06p!
This total amount, in such challenging times, has absolutely blown us away! The generosity and support from our parents and families of children in the Nursery and Reception is truly incredible – there are not enough superlatives to say how amazing you are and we are so very grateful to each and every one of you who has sponsored and supported the youngest of learners in our school.
You certainly will make our dreams of a super-duper mud-kitchen a reality and we are sure that there will be more than enough now to make our water area even better too.
Once again, thank you from us all.
p.s. If anyone out there knows of any person that is handy with a saw, hammer and drill, we are looking for volunteers to help us build our mud-kitchen. Please contact Miss Killelay (Nursery Teacher) via the school office if you can help.

Pumpkin Fun

This week in Nursery we have been exploring and investigating a whole range of different types of pumpkins and gourds  – all grown locally on Miss Killelay’s allotment.
We have looked closely at Goosebump (bumpy), Polar Bear (white ones) and the traditional Jack o’ Lanterns. The ornamental gourds were fascinating – so knobbly and bumpy.
We have also been practising our scissor skills by cutting up pumpkin playdough into wriggly worms for a witch’s cauldron as well as using a range of art materials to do some observational drawings.

Autumn Treasures

Nursery have had great fun investigating the contents of their Autumn Treasure bags which they took home to fill. Wow! So many natural objects were found (including a few stray bugs!)
Lots of wonderful language was generated by our investigations, from colour, size and shape. There was an astonishing array of coloured leaves too. Some children chose to use the magnifying lenses to look closer and some chose to mark make around their items. We even had mini story-telling sessions by turning our leaves and conkers into characters after being inspired by the book, The Leaf Man by Lois Elhert.

Notice for Nursery Parents – applying for Reception places

Dear Parent/Carers
PLEASE NOTE – this is essential information about your child’s Reception Class place for next year.
It may feel as though they have just started the Nursery year but children in Birmingham can start school (Reception) in the September after their fourth birthday. So if your child was born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019, they will be able to start school in September 2023.
Applications open on 1 October 2022 for primary school places in September 2023. The closing date is 15 January 2023 at 11:59pm.
You must apply on time. If you apply late, you are less likely to get offered a place at any of your preferred schools.
Applications received after 15 January 2023 will be classed as late and will not be processed until after the offer of places on 17th April 2023.
Make sure that you:
– List three different primary schools, do not put just one.
– Include details of any siblings attending your preferred school(s) in the box provided.
As this responsibility is yours as a parent or carer, please take care to fill it in correctly.
From October 1st, applications are open. Follow the link below and click on ‘Apply Online for a Primary School Place’.
Responsibility For Applying Online:
Birmingham City Council’s School Admissions and Fair Access Service publishes information on their website, informing parent/carers on how to start their child at school. However, the responsibility for applying online for a child to start reception class, remains solely with parent/carer.
If your child is likely to access a special school place, due to a special educational need and/or disability, you must still apply for a mainstream primary school via this process.
If you need any help in applying for a reception 2023 place, please speak to Miss Killelay in the Nursery or phone the school office on 0121 472 0062


We are so looking forward to welcoming the Foxes, Badgers and Squirrels to Nursery next week. We have had a lovely time meeting you all on the home visits so thank you very much for welcoming us into your homes.
Here are some images of our environment to whet your appetite in preparation for the weeks to come. We shall be contacting you shortly with information about how to log into our Nursery Padlet home learning page… watch this space.
Kind regards
The Nursery Team
Miss Killelay, Miss Kausar and Miss Whelan

Carnival Preparations!

Nursery are ready and roaring to go on Carnival Day. We have made amazing animal masks and costumes thanks to the talents of artist Gary Jones.
Our dance which we have rehearsed over the past few weeks is polished and we’ve got our boogie shoes on, thanks to the help of Sarah and Jim from Autin Dance Company.
We cannot wait!