A Trip To The Theatre!


What a wonderful treat to visit the Midlands Art Centre and watch the spectacular performance of ‘One Snowy Night’. The children have been sharing the story written by Nick Butterworth and have enjoyed finding out about all the adorable woodland animals that need somewhere warm and cosy to spend the night when it snows in the park. To be able to see the animals ‘come alive’ as characters in the performance was magical for the children. It was such a pleasure to see the joy on their faces as they engaged with the actors! A fantastic time was had by all!

Open Afternoon for Prospective Nursery & Reception Parents – Wednesday 8th December at 2.30pm

Due to popular demand, we’re holding another opportunity for prospective nursery and reception parents to visit the school on Wednesday 8th December at 2.30pm. It is by appointment only and spaces are limited so please contact us as soon as possible on 0121 472 0062 or via enquiry@radlbarn.bham.sch.uk if you would like to attend. If possible, please attend without children as we’re minimising the number of people in school and toilet facilities will not be available. Please also wear a mask whilst on the school site. We look forward to welcoming you.

A Busy Week!

Wow! What a busy week. We have worn Odd Socks to raise awareness of Anti-Bullying. We photocopied our hands and decorated them, talking about all the good, kind things we do with our hands. We played target games with rolled up socks and had to find a friend with a matching sock to make a pair. Oh, and we have been on many a bear hunt too, including with actor Cheryl from the Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre.
We also celebrated Children in Need so thank you to each and everyone who has supported these brilliant causes.
Don’t forget to check out Nursery Padlet: A place to learn together. You should have all been sent you login details now and we cannot wait to see what you get up to at home.

Learning about Finland

5MO have loved the beginning of their poetry unit! We started by reading poetry for pleasure and discussing which poems we liked the most and why. We then delved into personification, writing some super sentences which gave objects or animals human characteristics. Linking to our Finland & UK comparison topic, we looked at photographs and videos of Finnish landscapes and wildlife to inspire our personification poetry. We have planned our ideas this week, and will write and perform then next!
We’ve also loved having sessions with Rob from the Rep theatre! He is helping us to learn about Finland and the UK by using drama activities.

Ancient Greeks & Science

5MO have settled really well already and showed so much enthusiasm for this year! We have had out first swimming trip which was great (although very tiring!), and have started learning about the Ancient Greeks. We looked at some photos of Ancient Greek artefacts from the British Museum and inferred what they tell us about life in Greece at that time. We know who Alexander the Great is and that he expanded his empire all the way to parts of India!
In Science, we have begun to learn about forces, and have investigated the effects of air resistance by making 2 parachutes, changing only one variable (the surface area of the material). We found that the larger parachute created more air resistance, which slowed it down. Next week, we are learning about water resistance!

Anti-Bullying Week


Anti-Bullying week has been recognised by RH through kindness.

The children have been sharing their kind thoughts and words with each other. They really understood that being different is great and is to be celebrated.

RH are fantastic at being kind and we showed this during circle time by each saying something kind about each other.  Elaina said,  “Safia is helpful’ and Leo said, “Evie is good to play with”.

We also created our own different designed odd socks to celebrate our differences!

The Roving Bookshop is coming to school!

We are excited to announce we will be having The Roving Bookshop in school on Thursday 18th November! There will be some great books on sale at excellent prices, perfect just in time for Christmas! There will be Fiction, Poetry, Puzzles, Non Fiction – the list goes on. There will be something for EVERYONE!

The Roving Bookshop will also be holding a prize draw where you could win £7.50 in books! A leaflet will be coming home with your children. All they have to do is write their name and class on the token, have a parent sign it and bring it in on the day and put it in the Roving Bookshop Box! Good Luck!!

On Wednesday we will also be sending home a “spending money” envelope, so parents can give their children a little bit of spending money to enable them to purchase a book during the school day.