Mark Making

We love mark making in RH! We will do it anywhere we can. In the snow and even in flour too! It’s a fun way to help us to develop  our writing skills.




Year 5 are loving the start of their Space science topic! To begin with, we asked questions about space like professional scientists would, and thought of methods to answer them. We learned what our solar system is made up of and what a galaxy is. We explored how incredibly vast our solar system is, and created our own 1m long models which are a more to scale than most diagrams and show how spread out the planets really are.

Did you know that to make a solar system model that is to scale using a small marble to represent the Earth, your model would need to be approximately 7 miles long?


Introducing Nursery Padlet

Nursery now have their very own Padlet page called ‘A Place to learn together’.
The aim of our page is to extend the learning that goes on both in Nursery and at home and to embed the knowledge, skill and concepts that the children are learning. Sharing the learning in this way helps both teachers and parents understand how the child is progressing and what the next steps in their learning journey will be.
We are loving seeing the posts so far and look forward to many more.