Nursery News

This week Nursery have been participating in British Science Week. The theme this year is ‘Time’. 
We discussed what time means to us – our daily routines such as morning time, school time, lunch time, bedtime etc. We have a huge monthly calendar in our class which we use every day to see what has happened in the past, what will happen today and what will happen in the future. The children are busy filling in their own weekly calendar at home as part of our learning.
Within the Nursery we used sand-timers as a way to show what we can do in either 30 seconds or 3 minutes. Using the 30 second timer, the children had to throw a die and carry out the challenge that it landed on. For example take off our shoes and put them back on again, put on and take off our coats, as many star jumps in 30 seconds that we could manage (exhausting!) and then the ultimate Gladiator challenge of how many laps around the playground we could do in 3 minutes on our balance bikes!
We think it is time for a rest now! Enjoy the weekend everyone 🙂

Y4 – Science week

For Science Week Year 4 have created Pendulum timers to measure time. It was a great science week experiment!

The children had a fabulous session learning about how time was told before modern clocks. The children then had a go at making their own pendulums and testing out different weights to see the movement of the pendulum.

Y5 – Science Week

Year 5 enjoyed making their very own water clocks as part of science week. They cut a plastic bottle 2/3 of the way down. Then they removed the bottle top and pierced a few holes through it before screwing it back on. Next, they flipped the top piece of the bottle upside down and placed it into the bottom half. After that, they poured water into the top of the bottle and started timing. Each time a minute passed they drew a line on the side of the bottom half of the bottle at the water line. They were able to observe the water flow to indicate minutes passed!

Year 3 – World Book Day

Year 3 had a blast during world book week! We carried out an author study about Anne Fine and presented our posters to the class. We also did a book blanket and enjoyed reading for pleasure. We’ve heard lots of stories from visitors and teachers too!

Professor McGinty

Year 3 had an incredible time last week with Professor McGinty learning all about Roman Britain! Then Year 4 learnt about the Vikings! We handled artefacts, learned some interesting facts and even tried on some clothes!

1DB – Library Visit

1DB were the first class to visit our local library in Stirchley – we love doing these yearly visits – the children listened to some stories read by our local librarian and then had a chance to browse the books.

Nursery News

This week Nursery have continued their investigations into the world of 2 dimensional shapes. To help us consolidate our understanding and to develop physical skills such as aiming and throwing, we created a shape target game.
We went one step further and introduced ways to record the scores. The children developed their own ways to record and the mathematical graphics were varied; from using tally marks, smiley faces to drawing the actual shapes! 
We also talked about our families, particularly with Mother’s Day on Sunday. We looked at the story, The Family Book by Todd Parr, which tells us that not all families are the same and that it is important to recognise, respect and celebrate our differences. For this reason, our cards this year, reflect the many special people in our lives and to be thankful to be loved and cared for by them.
For World Book Day Nursery had a lot of fun with two special visitors- Sarah from Flat Pack came to tell us some stories and Natalia (Mummy of one of our nursery children) visited to tell us about her fave book – The Invisible String –  and also what it’s like being an author!

Onjali Q. Rauf Research in Y5

Year 5 loved researching the author Onjali Q. Rauf for World Book Day. They found out loads of interesting facts about her life and work and were inspired to read more of her books. They also enjoyed acting out stories with Craig from Stan’s cafe.  As well as this, they enjoyed books charades, the live lesson and some independent reading time.