Seasons in Y1

In Y1 children have been working hard at home to create some beautiful pictures about our science topic – we are learning about the seasons and the changes within each one. This week we looked at deciduous and evergreen trees – next week we are planting seeds to grow in our Raddlebarn veg planters.

Nursery News

Back in the Autumn term the children looked at sunflower heads which Miss Killelay had brought in from her allotment. We harvested the seeds from the middle and saved them. Now the Spring is here, it is time for our annual Sunflower Challenge. The children have put together their very own growing kits to take home in order to get growing at home and see who can grow the tallest sunflower.
We used our maths skills to investigate how many seeds we had in total and to find out if we had enough for each child… it turns out that, using five frames, we most certainly did. It was great to see children using their subitising skills in a real-life context and shows just how much they are learning. Watch this space for more updates about the Nursery Sunflower 🌻 Challenge 2024

Save our libraries!

As many of you know, we organise an annual visit to our local library to all of our classes. We are very saddened to hear that the libraries may be closing. Please support them and attend their awareness walk!

Tag Rugby

Congratulations to our Y4 tag-rugby team, who took park in a festival at Kings Norton Rugby Club, Hopwood, on Thursday. Despite being their first experience of inter-school tag, the children did brilliantly, showed great teamwork and sporting attitude, were enthusiastic and scored some fantastic tries. Well done!

Y4 – Cultural Structures

On Monday, Year 4 took part in a cultural French lesson where we studied the structure of the Eiffel tower and then had a go at replicating this using art straws. The children showed their amazing engineering skills, team work and communication to create some fabulous, replica structures.

Science Week in Y1

Science week in Year 1 was celebrated by focusing on 5 areas within our curriculum: seasonal changes, how we measure time, different representations of time, life cycles of animals and a focus on Joan  Beauchamp Procter. We enjoyed our early Spring walk and our quiz about different types of scientist.

3M Geography Day

This week, 3M also read the text ‘At the same moment around the world’ by Clotilde Perrin. We focused on a child who came from Manaus, Brazil and read a diary entry of a typical day in her life. We discussed time zones and looked at photos of Manaus and the nearby rainforest and Rio Negro. We then drew story maps based on her diary entry!