1M Bake Off

1M made Paris themed shortbread biscuits for this week’s Olympic themed ‘Bake Off’ project. We enjoyed the process of making the shortbread, and the imprint that the cookie cutters made. We designed plates to sell them on and posters too!

3M One World Week

For One World Week, 3M learned about Albania! We did some research and made information posters about the climate, wildlife, physical geography and cultural traditions of this country. We didn’t know how beautiful the beaches are there!


Bake Off 2024

We have a fabulous Bake Off this week! Well done to all the chefs in KS2 who did an excellent job. They have made French Tomato and Mustard Tart followed by a Blueberry Smoothie. They were marked on their skill, organisation, presentation and how each thing tasted.


Nursery News

As we continue on our journey to becoming sunflower experts, we have been exploring other types of seeds in our Science Lab – this is part of being in the C.I.D Club (being Curious leads to Investigation which leads to Discovery which results in Learning!)
We have listened to many versions of the traditional tale, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and talked about the similarities and differences in these different versions. We then went on to investigate dried bean pods saved from last year’s harvest on Miss Killelay’s allotment. We used all of our scientific skills of noticing, wondering, hypothesising to finally discovering the seeds inside. We used mathematical skills to estimate how many seeds maybe inside and laid out our bean seeds on 10 frames to show the actual amount. 
We have also been exploring measurement related to height and learning mathematical vocabulary such as short, tall, taller, shorter, shortest and tallest. The children made paper chain stems for their sunflower paintings, ensuring that their chain was as tall (not shorter than or taller than) themselves. They then counted each link and recorded the amount using tally marks.
There is so much mathematics going on at the moment in our Sunflower Challenge but next week our learning takes us down the creative path… tune in again for more Nursery News.

Walk to School Week

Next week, 20 – 24th May it is Walk to School week. We will be encouraging families to walk, bike or scoot to school.   We know this is a little difficult for families who don’t live close to school so alternatively, you can ‘park and stride’ which means parking a little further away from school and walking the last bit.
We all know that exercise and fresh air is really good for our health and helps to reduce pollution in the environment!   There will be stickers and rewards for those who have joined in.

The Iron Man

A huge WELL DONE to all Y3 pupils who performed in their class assembly this week! We feel very proud of them and are grateful to all families who were able to make it. Miss Montaigu and Mrs Ahmed.


Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their trip Geography fieldwork to Muntz park yesterday! They looked at the human and physical features found in the park, carried out a traffic survey of Gristhorpe Road and sketched a map of the park.

Junior PCSOs

Six children from Y4 – Y6 have been selected to participate in the Junior PCSO scheme and will be working alongside West Midlands Police to improve the school environment and keep everyone safe. Today we welcomed PCSOs Toni Jones and Julie Jeffries to school. They met with the children to discuss their roles as Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and discuss what the children will be doing in their roles going forward.

Northern Lights

Miss Killelay spotted the Northern Lights in the night sky last night! She used automatic night mode on her phone with 3-10 second exposure and a very steady hand. Have a look outside and see if you can see some rainbows in the night skies.  Send us your pics! 

Pizza and Beats!

Big thanks to Lazy Raven for the wonderful summer vibes – they never fail to disappoint. Thanks also to Loaf for their generous dough-nation and also to the wonderful mums and dads who worked endlessly making the pizzas – you were all amazing.
The final thanks goes to everyone who came along and joined in the fun! Friends of Raddlebarn made over £1440!!!