Receptions new topic is “What are celebrations?”

And there are so many celebrations happening at the moment for us to learn about! We did lots of exciting activities to celebrate firework and bonfire night as well as Diwali!  We learnt the story of Rama and Sita, made Diya lamps out of playdoh and made colourful firework paintings.   Have a look at the photo, do you like our rangoli pattern?
This week we have made Poppies to wear for Remembrance Day, it really put our cutting skills to the test!

Maths in Y1

Year 1 have been investigating part whole models this week.
We could recall our learning from reception and proving how we know our bonds using concrete objects and writing calculation sentences.

Y6 Tea Dance

Year 6 had a wonderful time at their Tea Dance this week.  All children performed their version of a Charleston Dance, recited a World War II poem and took part in the running of the event. We would like to thank everyone who came and manage to raise £62.95 for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2023.


Year 3 have enjoyed looking at some fossils also borrowed from Lapworth museum. They included T-rex claws and teeth, ammonite, fossilised plants, poo and a smilodon skull! The children absolutely loved studying them!


The children in Year 4 had a fantastic finale to their Geography topic about natural disasters and weather patterns. We investigated the volcanic process and creating an example of how the eruption takes place.
We are looking forward to our new topic starting in Autumn 2.

Pumpkin Carving Workshop

What an amazingly spooky way to finish off this half term!
It was so lovely to bring the school community together with a shared pumpkin carving workshop. We had some great feedback from our families and some really cool pumpkin designs. Well done everyone!

Spoz – Poetry Visit in Y6

Year 6 were so excited to see Spoz again -he worked across the year group creating some sonnets, then hosted a poetry slam at the end of the day. The winning team will be performing in the slam final at the library in December! So excited!


Year 3 have enjoyed looking at rocks borrowed from Lapworth museum! It was great to see real life examples of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and closely observe their different properties.