Seasonal Changes

This half term, year one have been looking closely at seasonal changes. We went on an autumn walk around the school grounds to collect leaves, sticks, stones and spot signs of seasonal change.
We have also used our collected autumn objects for our art topic. Year one have been learning about Andy Goldsworthy and used the autumn objects to create “spirals” and “gradients”.

Light and Dark

Year 3 are loving the start of their science topic all about light and dark! We’ve tested if objects are transparent, translucent or opaque and observed how well we could see different objects in a very dark box. We found out that more reflective (shinier) objects are easier to see, even with little light!


Bed Time Stories

We were so excited to run our EYFS and KS1 Bed Time Stories event this week. It was such a fantastic evening, with teachers, teaching assistants, our local librarian and local story teller sharing their favourite stories!

Victorian Day – Year 2

Year 2 looked amazing in their Victorian clothing. We had such a busy day. We read poetry and wrote our Maths work in chalk. We tasted gruel and surprisingly some children asked for more! During the afternoon we used the skipping ropes and played simple ball games.

Nursery News

To get off to a flying start this week, the Nursery children have been taking part in activities related to Anti-Bullying Week. On Monday we proudly displayed our ‘odd socks’ and talked a lot about how it is ok to be different. We read the book ‘Kind’ by Alison Green and this led us to create a ‘Kindness Jar’ – all through the week we have been adding kindness hearts to our jar when we have done something kind for others.
We have played some great games with socks too – always on the look out to practise our subitising skills in Maths, we used a 5 frame to show the amount of socks we were able to pick up using a ‘grabber’; this had the added challenge of using the 30 second timer too! We set a Nursery record with 7 socks grabbed in 30 seconds!
On Children in Need day, we used our Tales Toolkit to create a story around Pudsey and his friends. Pudsey wrote to the children to say he had lost all his friends – den, den, der! (they were hiding in the outdoors somewhere). What ensued was the biggest teddy bear hunt ever – lots of fun and lots of brilliant creative ideas to come out of today’s Tales Toolkit.