Puffin Peter in reception

This week Reception have done lots of learning based on the book Puffin Peter.
We wrote ‘LOST’ posters to help find Peter, writing in more detail so that Paul could find him. We also did some careful observational drawings, looking carefully at colours and shapes when drawing. Have a look at these examples.

Growing in Y3

Year 3 are starting their new art topic all about still life, and their science unit about plants. This week, we planned a fair test to see what a plant needs to live and grow.  We deprived each plant of one thing, and we’ll observe each plant as the week goes on. We even kept a control plant to compare it to the others next week! It was also really interesting to see how the roots grow and what they look like!

Power Maths in Y2

Year 2 have used the new Power Maths resource this week as part of their unit of work on Money.  The children have been thoroughly engaged and have made super progress – well done Year 2!


Christmas News in Nursery

Wow! What a term we have had and what a lovely way to finish with a trip to the Hippodrome to see a favourite book we have been reading, brought to life! 
‘Dear Santa’ by Rod Campbell, was a magical experience for the Nursery children and to see a story that they know so well performed for them was a really special treat. The children were enthralled and loved every minute of it – they even got to meet the cast afterwards for a special photo opportunity along with a gift for every child.
To end our festive week we have had our parties – we played ‘Pin the carrot on Olaf’ and a version of pass the parcel but with a ‘Dear Santa’ twist, plus we made some lovely Christmas crafts too oh, and we ate lots of treats😉
From the Nursery Team, may we wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and here is to a happy and healthy 2024… see you all next year!

Pop Up Books

Year 2 have been working together to make a book about the Victorians. In D&T we have been learning about mechanisms and exploring how parts of books can sometimes move. We chose whether to make a slider, wheel or lever and then made a mock-up using paper. We designed a page of the book and wrote a fact about Victorian life. We are so proud of our finished book, we have moving rats, smoke and people!

International Christmas Cards

Earlier in December we sent some Christmas cards to a school in Pakistan and in Canberra, Australia and we have been lucky enough to receive lots of celebration cards in return from students there. The children have really enjoyed learning about how Christmas is celebrated differently around the world and other celebrations that the students really enjoy such as Diwali and Chinese New Year. We hope to keep our connections with these schools and do some more projects in the future.

Little Red Riding Hood

Reception have loved learning about the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood. We have acted out the story in our classrooms and made characters from the story. We were so excited to go on our first trip together to the REP theatre to see it performed!

Y5 Bridge Making

For their DT project, Y5 researched bridges. They looked at drawbridges, vertical-lift bridges, curling bridges and many more. They considered how the bridges moved then learnt about cross sectional diagrams before designing their own bridge. The children then worked in groups to make a bridge that fit the following criteria:
Must be sturdy and stable
Must be symmetrical (except winch system)
Must be moveable