Physical Theatre

Year 2 have enjoyed some physical theatre sessions with the REP this half term.  The focus of each session surrounds the work carried out in our Science and Geography topics.  We’ve had so much fun!

Buddhist temple visit

Year 6 loved visiting the Birmingham Buddhist Vihara temple this week. They learnt lots about Buddhists traditions and explored inside the Peace Pagoda. Thank you to Max at the temple for such a wonderful time.


Year 1 have had a wonderful, immersive STEAM day – where we designed and made water catchers, using our scientific knowledge of materials. We used maths skills in measuring and capacity. We used geography skills to complete fieldwork around our school to spot sources of water. We used design skills to draw our models and tested them too!

Art Topic – Year 3

Year 3 are loving the start of their art topic all about still life! We are writing the biographies of artists Georgia O’Keeffe and Vincent Van Gogh in English, and explored colour mixing and creating different tones in art lessons. We’re even reading a story about paintings in guided reading, in which we spotted some of Van Gogh’s famous work!

Planetarium – Y5

We have had such a fantastic start to the spring term learning all about space. For the last two weeks we have been learning and discussing various ideas about our solar system and working together to try to create our own solar system. Today, we had a planetarium visit, where Y5 were able to learn more about space and the solar system in more detail. The children were really excited about the following website:


Year 6 Assembly

Year 6 welcomed their family and friends into school for their assembly. It was all about climate change and involved lots of their learning from Geography, Science and English. They shared their biome poems and visited many countries around the world looking at the impact of climate change through their BBC news bulletin. There was even a protest here at Raddlebarn school inspired by Greta Thunberg as part of it. The children took on different roles including those who created all the props, acted out different parts and even managed the technology. We are very proud of their hard work and the confidence with which they presented and performed. Here are some biome poems from our assembly. Can you work out which biome each poem is describing?


Life Cycles

Year 2 have been learning about the life cycles of frogs, sheep and humans in Science today.  We know that life cycles across a range of animal groups can be very different!

Y4 parent workshop

Y4 had a fantastic session with parents on Wednesday where we created a times table spinner game to play at home to help learn the times tables to 12x. We started by challenging the parents to a game on TTRS, we had a lot of fun! Each person made 3 spinners to now use at home to help them with the times tables they are finding tricky to remember.
If you were unable to attend, the pack to create spinners will be sent home with your child. Thank you very much to those who were able to attend.

Happy New Year – Nursery

Happy New Year to you all! What a great start to 2024 for the Nursery children. They have returned all fresh and full of enthusiasm and energy. Which is just as well as in Nursery we now have our very own gym, complete with step machine, twist plate, cross trainer and exercise bike – oh and not forgetting the weights!  
Elsewhere, we have seen an explosion of interest in writing particularly with the introduction of our Tales Toolkit area. Tales Toolkit is a resource we have been using since the children arrived in September to teach story telling skills and develop their imaginations.  
Now we have the opportunity for children to draw and write their own stories using the story props in the Tales Toolkit area. We have been blow away by their natural story telling skills and keenness to tell a good yarn! We are even beginning to see some children attempting to write their names – exciting times ahead!

Y1 – History

Year 1 have kickstarted their history topic ‘What can we learn about significant figures from the past?’, with learning about what makes people significant. We sorted photo’s of figures and matched them to the sources of information: newspaper, magazine articles and website information.