Nursery News

A great week in Nursery to round off the term. It started with learning all about keeping our teeth healthy. We played lots of games using our mathematical subitising skills and even got to take home the games complete with minty playdoh and a toothbrush and toothpaste pack.
At the end of the week we took part in the school’s ‘TT Rock Star’ Day. Although not yet old enough to be thinking and learning times tables, that didn’t stop Nursery from joining in the fun – instead of times tables we drew on our understanding of 2D shapes which we have been learning about this term. We made TT Rock Star Robots, using rectangles. There were some really cool Raddlebarn rockin’ robots on display!
In the words of the late great rock start, Freddie Mercury – ‘Don’t stop us now, ’cause we’re having a good time!’ 

Raddlebarn Arts Ambassador News

Today (7th February 2024) we all went to the Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre and learnt more about how the be Arts Ambassadors.

We are……… Arlo (5MO), Tav and Harriet (5MA), Enzo and Lucia (4HW), Gabriel and Iris (4H). Lucia’s mum, Sonia, kindly came with us.

We played a few games that taught us more about each other and that made us communicate with others in better and different ways. The Birmingham Hippodrome put up a good effort of making the school children get involved and cooperate with each other.

We then all designed our own Blue Sky Thinking dream arts project that had a unlimited budget. Ours (Mine, Enzo, Iris and Lucia’s) involved flying everyone from all the schools there to Tokyo in private jets. There we put on an Everything for Everyone Festival which happens in our private skyscraper with a concert stadium (where Taylor Swift and a K-pop and a J-pop band would perform), an animation floor, a comedy floor, a gaming floor with game designers, a fashion designing floor where the festival merchandise is designed with famous fashion designers), an art make and exhibition floor. It also has luxury apartments for us all to stay in. (an after thought we had was to also have a food floor where we could design and et our own sushi creations!)

We then went into the auditorium of the Hippodrome Theatre and we even got to go into the Royal box and we waved like the king!

Safer Internet Day 2024

This year’s theme was “Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online” which allowed for open and honest conversations to be had about how children experience the online world. Children across the school took part in various different activities designed to spark discussion about positive and negative experiences online. Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 watched a live lesson from the BBC which looked at Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the benefits and risks associated with these. In Early Years and KS1 the focus was about how technology has changed throughout history!

After school, parents and children attended an E-Safety workshop designed to explore the theme of ‘Influence Online’. We talked about how some influence can be positive and some can be negative. Families were able to make a trailer for some ‘Safety Superheroes’ who were going online to influence people for good! We had ‘Superheroes’ who were going to encourage people to donate to charity, pick up litter and even how to keep safe online.

If you would like more information about E-Safety, here are some links:

Families First News



BBC Staysafe


Thinkuknow Cybercafe

Safer Internet Day – Y1

For Safer Internet Day, Year 1 have discussed how to stay safe online. We talked about the increasing number of ads and ‘Pop-Ups’ that appear in games and how they can divert us to something not appropriate.
They knew they could tell their parents when this happened and how they need permission to play games. We also looked at devices through the ages and how one device can now have all functions: communication, gaming, videos, tv, music and camera.

Nursery News

This week in Nursery, we have experienced runaway chapattis and Monster Trucks! 
The children have been learning about 2D shapes and have been matching, sorting and classifying shapes. As part of these investigations we read the story ‘Tip, Tip, Dig,Dig’ and this inspired us to create our own ‘Monster Trucks’. The children’s imaginations were fired and the inventiveness of their ideas and their explanations as to what and how their truck worked, blew us away!
Following of from listening to The Gingerbread Man, we have been reading a similar tale called, ‘The Runaway Chapati’ by Susan and Alan Price. Set in India, it is the story of a little girl who made a chapatti, but it did not want to be eaten! The similarities with the Gingerbread Man helped the children to quickly learn the repeated phrases. We learned how to make chapatis and became experts with using a rolling pin to keep the circle shape needed to fit in the frying pan. The children were given some chapati flour and a recipe sheet so they can make some at home too.

One Day Creative in Y6

Year 6 had a fantastic time immersing themselves with activities related to the Shang Dynasty. They took themselves back in time about 3000 years ago and explored what life was like. Thank you to One Day Creative for putting together a brilliant day!

Maze Explorers

This week in year 1 we have continued to be ‘maze explorers’ with our computing, as we have learned how to extend an algorithm. In maths our focus has been to demonstrate our understanding of number bonds to 20 – we used cubes and 10’s frames today!

Nursery Places September 2024

We are now inviting any parents who have a child that will be 3 years old on or before August 31st 2024 and are interested in a place at Raddlebarn Nursery, to apply now. We have 15 hour places and a limited number of 30 hour places available.

To apply, please register your interest by contacting the school office on 0121 472 0062 as soon as possible. You will then receive an online form to complete.

If you have already applied, you will be sent the online form to express your preferred choice of hours. If you do not have children of Nursery age, but know someone who does, please feel free to share this information with them.