Year 3 – Science

This week in Science, Year 3 completed an investigation to find out how permeable and durable different igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are. We observed the texture, shape, absorption properties and fine details of the rocks and categorised them into one of the 3 rock types groups. We learnt how the different rocks are formed and named examples of different types. For example slate is a type of metamorphic rock.


Autumn 1 Spellings Year 6

Year 6 – Every fortnight Year 6 have spellings to learn – please support them below by practising these words at home – you will be sent a text each fortnight to let you know which word list they are learning:

Autumn 1

Block A

  1. accident-prone
  2. accommodate
  3. accompany
  4. accountancy
  5. align
  6. amateur
  7. apparent
  8. appreciate
  9. assign
  10. audible
  11. available
  12. bare
  13. bear
  14. beneficial
  15. best-known

Block B

  1. bible
  2. border
  3. bold
  4. bomb
  5. boarder
  6. borough
  7. bowled
  8. buffer
  9. category
  10. climb
  11. collectable
  12. comb
  13. commercial
  14. community
  15. compatible

Block C

  1. compliancy
  2. comprehensible
  3. computer-aided
  4. conceitedly
  5. conscience
  6. conscious
  7. constructable
  8. controversy
  9. convenience
  10. convertible
  11. correspond
  12. criticise
  13. crucial
  14. crumb
  15. debt

Autumn 1 Spellings – Year 5

Year 5 – Every fortnight Year 5 have spellings to learn – please support them below by practising these words at home – you will be sent a text each fortnight to let you know which word list they are learning:

Autumn 1

Block A

  1. accordant
  2. according
  3. accountant
  4. achieve
  5. adamant
  6. adorable
  7. advice
  8. advise
  9. aggressive
  10. ancient
  11. anti-clockwise
  12. anti-virus
  13. applicable
  14. artificial
  15. assistant

Block B

  1. attached
  2. average
  3. awkward
  4. bargain
  5. bought
  6. brought
  7. bruise
  8. cautious
  9. cemetery
  10. changeable
  11. circumstantial
  12. committee
  13. communicate
  14. competition
  15. conceive

Block C

  1. conceived
  2. confidential
  3. contentious
  4. conscientious
  5. coordinates
  6. cough
  7. curiosity
  8. deceit
  9. deceitful
  10. deceive
  11. deceived
  12. desperate
  13. develop
  14. device
  15. devise

Autumn 1 Spellings – Year 4

Year 4 – Every fortnight Year 4 have spellings to learn – please support them below by practising these words at home – you will be sent a text each fortnight to let you know which word list they are learning:

Autumn 1

Block A

  1. actually
  2. admitting
  3. adolescent
  4. aggravation
  5. ambitious
  6. ambitiously
  7. anchor
  8. answer
  9. anticlockwise
  10. appear
  11. architect
  12. ate
  13. beautician
  14. beige
  15. blankly

Block B

  1. boisterous
  2. bounce
  3. bound
  4. breath
  5. breathe
  6. business
  7. carousel
  8. catalogue
  9. caught
  10. centre
  11. certain
  12. champagne
  13. charade
  14. chemical
  15. chilly

Block C

  1. chrome
  2. cloud
  3. colleague
  4. committed
  5. comprehension
  6. confusion
  7. consider
  8. cooperation
  9. corrosion
  10. courteous
  11. crazily
  12. critique
  13. decide
  14. decision
  15. decoration

Autumn 1 Spellings – Year 3

Year 3 – Every fortnight Year 3 have spellings to learn – please support them below by practising these words at home – you will be sent a text each fortnight to let you know which word list they are learning:

Autumn 1

Block A

  1. accidentally
  2. action
  3. address
  4. adoration
  5. adventure
  6. angrily
  7. antique
  8. anxious
  9. arrive
  10. beginner
  11. beginning
  12. believe
  13. berry
  14. bicycle
  15. brake

Block B

  1. break
  2. brochure
  3. build
  4. bury
  5. calendar
  6. century
  7. chalet
  8. character
  9. chef
  10. chemist
  11. chorus
  12. circle
  13. closure
  14. collision
  15. commission

Block C

  1. complete
  2. completion
  3. confusion
  4. continue
  5. decision
  6. describe
  7. different
  8. disappear
  9. disappoint
  10. discipline
  11. division
  12. double
  13. early
  14. earth
  15. echo

Autumn 1 Spellings – Year 2

Year 2 – Every fortnight Year 2 have spellings to learn – please support them below by practising these words at home – you will be sent a text each fortnight to let you know which word list they are learning:

Autumn 1

Block A

  1. always
  2. apple
  3. badge
  4. ball
  5. because
  6. behind
  7. bottle
  8. brother
  9. camel
  10. can’t
  11. capital
  12. careful
  13. cell
  14. child
  15. child’s right

Block B

  1. children
  2. Christmas
  3. copied
  4. copier
  5. copying
  6. could
  7. couldn’t
  8. cry
  9. didn’t
  10. don’t
  11. donkey
  12. door
  13. dry
  14. edge
  15. enjoyment

Block C

  1. eye
  2. fiction
  3. find
  4. flies
  5. floor
  6. fly
  7. fossil
  8. fudge
  9. fully
  10. girl’s ball
  11. half
  12. hasn’t
  13. hiked
  14. hiker
  15. hiking

50 Things to do before you are 5

50 Things to Do Before You’re Five is an exciting initiative full of ideas and activities for you to enjoy with your children. Our project offers a wide range of activities from outdoor discoveries in the woods, to exploring how sound changes in different places, to sharing stories and water play! Check it out using the following links:

50 Things for Families website

50 Things to do before you are 5

Have a great Summer holiday!

Have a lovely Summer Holiday – don’t forget….

  • Mon 22nd July – Teacher Training Day – End of the school year (school closed to children)
  • Mon 2nd September – Teacher Training Day
  • Tues 3rd September – Teacher Training Day
  • Weds 4th September – School Re-opens to Children (gates open at 8:30)

Nursery News

Wow! What a very busy few weeks we have had in the Nursery. An Afternoon Tea party and performance for parents, a visit to Uplands Care Home to meet our Gran Friends as part of Inter generational project and visits to and from Reception to meet our new teachers.
The children have also taken part in Raddlebarn in Bloom and produced the most stunning 3D crowns that showcased their amazing drawing skills. We based our idea on the beautiful book, ‘A Crown for Corina’. We also presented to our new Gran Friends at Uplands, some of the crowns to brighten up their day room.
We also visited Guatemala (well via the internet at least) to learn all about Guatemalan Worry Dolls. The children have made their own memory bags as a keep sake of their time in Nursery and created their very own ‘worry doll’ just in case they may feel a little anxious about starting school.
I know that they will continue to be the amazing, creative and joyful bunch of children that we have had the pleasure of teaching this year. So to all our fabulous families, to the Badgers, Squirrels and Foxes alike, have a wonderful summer break and we see you soon.
Love Miss Killelay, Miss Hunt
Miss Karimi 

Raddlebarn in Bloom

We really hope you enjoyed Raddlebarn in Bloom this year. The children were proud to show off their class planters and creative containers. The creative containers made at home were fantastically creative – well done children (and grown-ups).
Whole School Art Project
During Raddlebarn in Bloom we showcased artwork from Nursery through to Year 6. The theme of the project was flowers. What talented children we have here at Raddlebarn! The work looked absolutely amazing. We really do have some artists in the making.
Thank you to everyone who attended. We appreciate your ongoing support!