Take a look at what Year 5 have been up to!

This half term in Science we are learning all about properties and changes of materials. We have been testing which materials are hard, translucent, permeable and magnetic.
We also conducted a fair test to find out which material was the best thermal insulator to stop ice from melting (we found this out by measuring how much water was in each bag after a set amount of time, due to the ice melting).
We will be finding out which materials are the best electrical conductors, and we will learn all about separating different types of mixtures, as well as reversible and irreversible changes.
In Topic, the children have enjoyed learning about the Greek myth ‘King Midas and the golden touch’. We have been writing the myth together, applying lots of Year 5 writing skills such as using parenthesis and relative clauses. The next myth we are going learn about is ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’!

Y6 PSHE & British Values work


As part of our PSHE and British Values work,  we have been focussing on the presidential election in the USA.  We reflected on the importance of integrity, democracy, and equality of opportunity. We watched Kamala Harris’ speech and how she encouraged all children to believe in themselves and their hopes for the future.

Look what Y6 have been up to!

Year 6 have started their new topic on “Locational Knowledge”. Children have discussed different ways to locate places e.g Google Maps and Atlases. They have also located different countries, mountain ranges and rivers. It has been lovely to hear the wealth of knowledge children already had about the world they live in!

Look what RH have been doing!

RH have enjoyed our maths lessons in the wonderful fresh air in Forest School! We needed to count the correct number of vegetables and match them to the corresponding numeral. So lovely to be learning outside!

Look what 2G have been up to!

We have been reading a book called Daisy Saves the Day, in English and Guided Reading. We have focused on drama, hot seating and getting to know the character (Daisy) this week. We looked at Daisy’s thoughts and feelings and wrote in role using a character template. (Photo) we also created an emotion graph today helping us to plot Daisy’s feelings throughout the story.

The Playhouse – HOPE

We understand children’s experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic will have been significant and life-changing for some. We have been exploring creative ways to begin the process of unlocking and processing children’s anxieties and feelings in a safe environment.

HOPE, a 60 minute participatory workshop is a production that has been written by The Playhouse to support children at KS2. At Raddlebarn we felt strongly that we needed to support our pupils in a multitude of ways so we invested in this. On consecutive Mondays Year 6, year 5 and year 4 will have had the opportunity to partake in this.

Set in the Derbyshire village of Eyam after the plague of 1666, this workshop explores the amazing true story of the villagers’ voluntary isolation that saved the lives of the surrounding communities.

The children are taken back in time by the character of Hope, the daughter of the village blacksmith, as she shares her experiences and the events leading to the great sacrifice made by the people of Eyam.

The children  explore the story through Hope’s diary she has kept since the plague visited Eyam and changed her life forever. They then step into the shoes of the villagers and imagine their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

 During the workshop the children are given an opportunity to:

  • Develop empathy and tolerance towards each other and acknowledge their different experiences of the COVID pandemic and lockdown.
  • Express their feelings, hopes, and fears for the future.
  • Reconnect with classmates and friends in an exciting and creative activity.

Explore the positive consequences of social distancing and staying safe into the future.

Maths and Language Superstar

This afternoon Miss Lowry had a special visitor from Nursery who came with Miss Killelay to share some fabulous number and language work. They were able to use language like ‘less’ and ‘more’ and explained beautifully how they had been counted into the groups. I think you will agree that this deserved a very special award sticker. We are incredibly proud of this work shared today.


HOPE Workshops

HOPE by The Playhouse
The HOPE project is a participatory workshop which is based around a fictional historical town where a plague occurs. Juliet (the lead actress) explored, with the children, how different characters may feel when separated from other townships as well as other effects of the plague. They also reflected on the support given from others as well as how the characters helped themselves during this time. This, alongside the resources, enabled the children to reflect upon their own feelings during lockdown as well as reflect on the feelings of others.

World Mental Health Day

Today we are wearing yellow to raise awareness of World Mental Health Day. We arrived at school to find little messages all around are school! Here are some of them, but there are many, many more!