5M are Super Scientists!

This week we have been testing different materials to see if they are electrical conductors or insulators. The children made series circuits containing a battery, a bulb and each material tested one at a time, to keep the test fair. If the lamp lit up, the material was an electrical conductor.
We talked about which of these materials would be good for an electrician to use to prevent him or herself from getting an electric shock when working with circuits. Rubber, wood, cardboard and plastic were good electrical insulators. Aluminium and copper were good electrical conductors.
The children then presented their findings orally, using scientific vocabulary and answering our initial question, which was: Which materials are electrical insulators, to keep an electrician safe when working with circuits?

Odd-Socks day to kick off anti-bullying week

We kicked off Anti-Bullying week and all shared our odd socks and why we wear them! The pupils love knowing we can all be the same yet celebrate our differences and be proud of them. We will carry on this week looking at how we can all be united against bullying and how as a team we can help those around us who may need our assistance.  Aiding us in being a more caring and supportive school!

Home Learning Plan


Yr4 Online learning timetable 14.12.20

Yr4 Online learning timetable 7.12.20


The Vikings have arrived in 4H!

On the 11th November Year 4 celebrating Viking day, unfortunately Time-zone have had to re-schedule their visit so we spent the day immersing ourselves into the lives of Vikings.

We made mask, shields, helmets and longboats, learning about the traditions and practises of the Vikings.

The children really enjoyed this experience and worked extremely hard on their creations. Well done!

4M – Viking Warriors!

We have been enjoying getting to grips with our new topic about Vikings. We have made timelines of key individuals including Alfred the Great and his interesting part in our nation’s history. We even created some Viking shields and longboat models and learnt about ways they were used by the invaders from the past!

‘Weave’ been working really hard in 2P…

2P have had a great afternoon learning how to weave on a loom. As part of our topic on What effect did the Victorians have on our lives and the lives of others?’ we have been finding out about life in the workhouse and the types of jobs people had to do. The children enjoyed learning how to weave but agreed they wouldn’t like to do it all day, every day!

Y6 have become keen Geographers!

In geography, we have been learning about how longitude and latitude lines can help locate places in the world.  We listened to a catchy song to help us remember how longitude and latitude works!

It’s all looking ‘sunny’ in Year 3!

In 3L we have got off to a great start with our Art focused ‘Still Life’ Topic! Inspired by Vincent van Gogh and some sunflowers,  that I couldn’t help photographing on the way to work, we have started to look closely at using colour, light, shade and detail to create texture.
I am sure you will agree that we have some budding artists in 3L!  Watch this space for more evidence of this from this talented bunch!

5C have been up and on their feet!

Children in 5C have thoroughly enjoyed composing their own dance following various Greek dance choreographies.