2P have been all over the world….

2P have had a great week finding out about 2D and 3D shapes. We have looked at a range of interesting buildings from around the world including St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, the Beehive in New York and Birmingham library to identify the different shapes we could see in the buildings.
We then used junk modelling materials to make our own buildings.
A big thank you to all the parents that donated junk modelling materials!

Take a peek…


We thought we would share with you this useful BBC website, Tiny Happy People which is available to you to help develop your child’s communication skills – packed with lots of activities, play ideas and useful information regarding how your child develops with speaking and listening.

The Playhouse – Storybike Fundraiser

On Monday 16th November, ‘Uncle’ from The Playhouse visited us on his fundraising storybike. He created a fabulous improvised story on his journey cycling the Number 11 bus route! We were honoured as a school and the children absolutely loved it!

Children’s comments:
“I liked it because he kept on pulling out funny things.” -Maya 2G
“I loved it because it was so funny.” – Harriet 2G
“I looked it because it showed me anything can be anything if you use your imagination.” – Holly 2G
“I thought it was funny because he kept on saying funny things.” Ramaya – 2G
Well done, ‘Uncle’!  If you would like to donate to the Playhouse fundraiser please click on the link below:

Raddlebarn Reading Ravers

“We are delighted to announce our Year 4 Reading Ravers – Maleeha, Naimh, Eliot, Harrison, Kamran and Ava Grace. We will be meeting to read, share stories and talk about books. Funny books, adventure books, picture books, poems, comics… anything that we enjoy! We will be telling other classes about the books we love too as we want to encourage everyone to get reading!” 

Children in Need – Thank You

A huge, huge thank you for the kindness and generosity during our Children In Need event. Together we raised an astonishing £488 in funds and 4 Wheelie bins worth of food, clothes and gifts for our local vulnerable families. We have been genuinely overwhelmed with the support this year and want to say an extra big thank you as we know that we are experiencing difficult times as a country at the moment. Today has filled our hearts with pride.

1SH Road Safety experts!

1SH really enjoyed Road Safety Day! We walked, biked, parked and walked or used a scooter to get to school. We were really proud of ourselves and we got a ‘Walk to School’ badge. We made road safety posters in English and learned about the Green Cross Code!

3A are blooming!

3A have been learning about the lifecycle of a flowering plant. They have learnt that there are many stages to a plant’s life such as germination, pollination, fertilisation and seed dispersal. 3A have had so much fun creating a dance routine in their P.E lessons showing the different stages . Their favourite stage is seed dispersal!

Budding artists in 2P!

This week we have been learning about George Cadbury, how he built the Bournville village and his contribution to life in Birmingham.
On Friday, we sketched his portrait and then painted it using water colour paints. The children worked so hard and really blew us away with their talents!

Busy bees in 1J!

This week in 1J we have been so busy!
We taken part in Anti-bullying week, road-safety week and walk to school day.  Lots of us walked to school!  We got a special ‘Walk to School’ badge! We are very proud of ourselves.