It’s nearly Christmas! 

3A have been having so much fun getting ready for Christmas. They have not allowed the strange times we are in get in the way of their excitement for this time of year.  They have decorated the classroom, learnt a Christmas song in French and even stitched a tree on to their Christmas cards. They have learnt to be super resilient this week as stitching and singing in French was tricky. However, they all got there in the end and they are and should be extremely proud of themselves just as I am.

Stan’s Café! An English/Drama Workshop 

We had a drama group called ‘Stan’s Café’ come in to work with us. We started off by watching an old Formula 1 clip with a focus on the commentators describing what the viewer couldn’t the see. We explored the language they used and how they built up tension with their descriptions.

Following this, we went into the hall and played a game similar to Jenga. In pairs, we approached the game to pull the bricks out. While one child did this, the other pupils imagined that they were commentators and described what was happening. We had examples like: “Betty cautiously approaches the wall and gingerly pulls out her brick”

After that, we had got into teams and gave ourselves suitable racing names like FalconsQuicksilver and Raddlebarn Racers. Two teams at a time then raced each other on a Scalextric track!

Everyone on the team had a different role and we rotated so everyone had a go at each part.

  • Racers
  • Journalists
  • Time keepers
  • Commentator
  • Track Marshalls.

We absolutely loved this activity and our teacher said it was magical watching each child grow in confidence and proudly commentate the race using the microphone.

The next day, we worked in pairs to write a 200-word newspaper report on the final race: Falcons versus Quicksilver!

Christmas Cheer in Nursery

Preparations are well and truly underway for the festive season. A big parcel arrived last week for us and inside was our very own Christmas tree. Thank you to all who are sending in decorations – after isolating them, they look lovely on the tree.
We have also been busy making Christmas cards and paper chains and measuring them so see who has the shortest and longest chain.

Green Flag for Y6

As part of our geography topic, we carried out some work towards the Eco Schools Green Flag application.  We analysed the Birmingham Travel Plan to identify any changes that have already been made as well as exploring the benefits and concerns of the introduction of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods.  Finally, we created information posters to promote the use of The Blue Cycle Route to visit local places of interest.

Tres Bien 6BK!

This Christmas, Key Stage Two pupils have written Christmas cards to a primary school in France. We look forward to receiving some back!

A Victorian day in 2G

What 2G thought about their Victorian Day…

Anna – I did not like eating the gruel, but I liked playing with the toys. I would not like to be a Victorian child. (2G)

Lucy – The best part was the English; the worst part was eating the gruel. (2G)
Morgan – The worst part was eating the gruel; the best part was playing with the toys. I do not want to be a Victorian child. (2G)
Hannah Westwood – I liked everything, I felt overjoyed. (2G)

School Gruel!

Year 2 have had a great day learning more about the life of a Victorian child. The children really entered into the spirit of the day, dressing up as Victorian children and playing along with the changes to the classroom.
The children experienced what school life was like – writing with fountain pens and ink, reciting the times table and learning poems by heart. We then tried ‘gruel’ with interesting results.
Later on in the day, we explored different Victorian toys, made a rag wreath and practiced singing Victorian Christmas carols. What a great day!

Joyeux Noel!

As part of our International Links and French topics, Year 6 have been making Christmas cards to send to a school in France. They learnt the French for Merry Christmas and wrote it in their cards!