Margo in Margate

Year 6 have worked hard to recreate artwork by Margo McDaid.  Margo McDaid takes inspiration from the coast, outsider art, folklore as well as children’s books.
We reflected on what inspires us and how our art is influenced by our imagination and our experiences.
Take a look at our Margo inspired work.

Raddlebarn Junior Bake Off

Our Bake Off finalists were put to the test today with 3 challenges that kicked up a stir!

The first challenge was a surprise, unseen task. The children had to make a Spring Roll starter! They were given a list of ingredients and a recipe and had to face the challenge that they had not had to do before. They were all awesome and even surprised themselves with what they were capable of.

Their second task was to recreate their chosen dish that got them to the final in the first place. The pressure was on, but yet again they stormed it.

For their final challenge of the day, another unseen, this time they had to create a fruit sundae – presentation was everything.

During these challenges, they were under the watchful eye of the judges, who were made up of local chefs from Digbeth Dining Club CIC and Morrisions.

They were watching how they worked, looking for organisation and accuracy of measurements; presentation including that attention to detail and flavour.

Our winner of the day was Sophie who has stunned the judges with her flavour combinations and finesse.

Special thanks to our chefs at Digbeth Dining Club CIC, Debbie from Morrisons (who supplied all of our ingredients for the day) and Mrs Murray who planned the whole event.

The Fashionistas of Year 6

Year 6 have designed their own t-shirts based on the fashion designers they have learnt about as part of their Fashion over Time topic.  The creations were influenced by Vivienne Westwood to Pierre Cardin as well as their own interests and passions!
The t-shirts look fantastic and we feel very proud!

Dyes to die for!

Year 6 have been experimenting with natural dyes as part of their Fashion over Time topic.  We boiled red cabbage, turmeric and coffee to dye fabric and evaluate their effectiveness. We had so much fun!

Design Technology


As part of our DT topic, Year 6 have designed, created and evaluated a Wire Loop Game.  We carried out market research to ensure we designed a product suitable for our target demographic, used the acronym CAFQUES to ensure we created a quality product and evaluated the game using our science knowledge to check the game operated effectively.  We had so much fun!

Wild Westwood and Classic Chanel


Year 6 have kick started their Art and Design topic by exploring different fashion designers, such as Pierre Cardin.  We carried out research on how Vivienne Westwood uses fashion to make political statements and how Coco Chanel created the iconic collarless, suit for women and little black dress.

Community Kindness

This week, Raddlebarn has started the pilot with the magnificent Digbeth Dining Club, working together to see how the free school meal offer can work for all families and ensuring that no child goes hungry.

We had news reporters and film crew from ITV visit our school today.


It’s the most wonderful time of the year! 

Christmas has arrived in RP. The children have been exploring pattern, shape and symmetry. They have been persevering when using scissors, even using them to cut through thick material. The children have been busy selecting food to give Rudolph all the energy that he needs to pull Santa’s sleigh. They have enjoyed learning all about Christmas traditions and sharing some of their own. We were so proud of the children when they made their own Christingles, they were so determined using the knife to cut the top off, it wasn’t an easy thing to do and they did not give up!

All that glitters is…. the Strictly Come Nursery Christmas Party 2020! 

We have had a wonderful day full of Christmas joy. The children all looked fab -u-lous in their party outfits. We made decorations from Rosemary to hang in our homes, party hats, played good old Pass the Parcel, created wreaths from paper plates had a grand time dancing and even got to hold the Strictly glitter ball! Phew! and our score from the judges… 10 10 10 (of course!)
The Nursery teachers thought it was a shame that Giovanni and Gorka couldn’t be here but maybe next year 😉
We would like to also take this opportunity to thank all the families for sending in a decoration to hang on our Christmas tree and most of all, to wish you and your families a Very Merry Christmas and here is to an even better 2021.
With love from
Miss Killelay, Mrs Cotton and Mrs Whelan.

Spreading the Christmas Spirit across the World! 

“Across the school, as part of our International Links Curriculum, children have been making some cards to send to schools in Germany, Spain, Poland and France. We have even received some back from them! Children in Year 5 learnt about children’s life at a school in Germany and how they spend Christmas. We look forward to continuing our International Links into the New Year.”