Welcome back Y6!

What a lovely first week 6BK have had! We’ve enjoyed starting our World War Two topic and learning about the outbreak of war. We have also started learning how light travels for our Science topic. You can see some photos of us using a model to demonstrate light traveling in a straight line from a light source and reflecting off an object into our eyes.

Welcome back Year 1

We have had a super week in 1P & 1SH. The children have settled back into school so well and we are very proud of them. We have used the Maths resources and started to record work in their books. We have had fun playing circle games and dancing in P.E.

Nursery Home Visits

It has been wonderful to visit all of our children and their families this week and we are so looking forward to welcoming you into our very own ‘Raddlebarn family’!
Thank you for the lovely warm welcome we have received, we really appreciated having this special time with you all.
We hope you liked your gifts and don’t forget little ones, wherever you are, how near or far your Mummy or Daddy may be… you are always connected by your ‘invisible string’.
Love from the Nursery Team
Miss Killelay, Mrs Ahmed and Mrs Cotton

Mini Brum – jewellery designers

Over the year Reception children have been working closely with the Think Tank to become mini designers. They have created and designed their own area within Mini Brum. This has been inspired by the wonderful jewellery heritage we have in our city. Our children have worked carefully with designers to make and exhibit their jewellery and they were so very proud when they got to see it for the first time in person – they were bursting with pride and so were we!

Raddlebarn skips Bronze and gets awarded the Artsmark Silver Award!!!

A huge congratulations to senior leaders who have pulled together a compilation of the selection of ‘arts’ across the school. We are extremely proud of the arts offer and creativity that we have at Raddlebarn!

Special thanks to The Hippodrome, The REP, Stan’s Cafe, The Playhouse, The Music Service, Digbeth Dining Club CIC, Steamhouse, Birmingham City University, Autin Dance Company, Linden Dance Company, Garry Jones, Jo Jones to name but a few. These partners off their experience and expertise to our children, staff and school community.

A very special visit from our sea giant…EKO…

Johnny Autin and his amazing team of artists paid a visit to the children of Raddlebarn for their end of year treat today and they brought with them, an extra special guest called Eko!

Eko is an sea giant who is as old as the earth and can survive on the land and in water. He wants to spread the word to humans that we need to take better care of our planet. Eko is made of things that can be found in the ocean such as seashells, seaweed and coral but also things that may well have been dumped in the ocean by humans such as wheels and plastic waste.

Eko really noticed that Raddlebarn was in bloom and enjoyed seeing nature that encouraged wildlife, but the flowers did cause him to sneeze! It is a big deal when a 12 foot sea giant sneezes!

He loved meeting our children and he gave the high 5’s; patted their heads; posed for photos and even had a good chat with our nursery children who were inspired by the puppetry and had a go at making their own too!

Eko can be seen around the city this summer performing in an event called Out of the Deep Blue Sea. These are free events for all the family (See our newsletter for more information)

Raddlebarn In Bloom

Since the beginning of the year we have all been working so hard to try to keep active and work outdoors more, with the aim of developing life skills and a sense of health and well-being. We wanted to make our outdoor environment a feel-good space to be in and this is how Raddlebarn In Bloom came about!

All children, in all classes have contributed in some way to developing an environment that encourages nurture, growth and the potential to bloom. This represents what we want for our children in school too. We have seen our children grow and blossom into the wonderful young people they are today.

We have developed our school garden area and wanted to demonstrate some of our strengths in our school, such as diversity by growing plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables that originate from all over the world and that can create a wonderful rainbow of colours that is now symbolised in our new school logo.

Our Y5 and Y6 leaders, planned and prepared an outdoor, socially distanced family tour to share the wonderful developments that have been taking place within our school environment.

This has been such an amazing community event, where the children have learned so much from using a drill to create drainage holes, to creating a sensory bed and a vegetable patch. Our Y6 children even created a community mural to commemorate the event on Raddlebarn Road as their Y6 legacy.

Special thanks goes to Morrisons, Wicks, Umberlsade Nurseries and our school community for the very generous donations of plants and flowers; to Garry Jones who worked with our Y6 artists; to our Eco Councillors and School Councillors who have been watering the plants on a rota and to Mrs Brill who helped to organise the event.