Nursery has been all in a spin!

This week we have been looking at the work of artist Damien Hirst and in particular his amazing yet simple spin paintings. They reminded us of exploding fireworks that we have been seeing in the skies above our homes.
We decided to have a go at recreating our own spin paintings… but how? With the use of a simple salad spinner of course!
I think our spin paintings are good enough for any gallery! What do you think?
Following on from Bonfire Night we have been using loose parts to create some amazing firework pictures. This promoted lots of talk and language not only around Bonfire Night itself, but also descriptive words such as sparkly, explode, shiny, fluffy (pipe cleaners) etc. These resources opened up lots of possibilities for children to use their imaginations… we had carriages, an octopus with ‘tickly tentacles’ and lots even cats and dogs!

Year 3 are back in the Stone Age!

In 3L we had so much fun last term working on our Stone Age topic. We found out so much and the children made the most amazing settlements in groups using what they had researched and learned. They made a Paleolithic Cave scene, a Mesolithic Camp scene and a Neolithic Village scene. I am sure you will agree that they did a fantastic job!

Nursery are asking, ‘Where’s my Teddy?’

This week Nursery have begun a project working with actor Cheryl Mok from the Birmingham Hippodrome.
We had an amazing morning on Thursday acting out stories, singing action songs and rhymes and going on a bear hunt. We are reading the story books ‘Where’s My Teddy’ by Jez Alborough and ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen.
We are so looking forward to our session next week… we wonder what adventures we shall have with Cheryl?

Open Day

We are holding an open day for prospective parents on Thursday 11th November with a session in the morning from 9.30am to 11.00am and an afternoon session from 2.00pm to 3.00pm. No booking is required. If possible, please attend without children as we’re minimising the number of people in school and toilet facilities will not be available. Please also wear a mask whilst on the school site. We look forward to welcoming you.

Messy Play

What we have been up to…
We have had lots of sensory fun this week in Nursery. The sensation and exploration of shaving foam has proved very popular. So how does messy play help your child’s learning?

Messy play is ​extremely important for a child’s development. It provides children with an exciting tactile and sensory experience that inspires their curiosity, allows them to explore the world around them and enhances their learning, language and creativity. Children learn through experimentation and discovery and messy play encourages children to explore new textures and manipulate different materials through touch.

Not only does messy play enhance a child’s cognitive development and learning, but it also improves a child’s physical development as well!

5 Reasons Why Messy Play Is Important and Benefits Children


  • It Fosters Curiosity, Imagination and Exploration.
  • It Encourages Communication and Language Development.
  • It Practices Good Concentration and Nurtures Future Skills.
  • It Promotes Physical Development.
  • It Supports the Ability to Play Independently.
Here is a link to some ideas for messy play. Obviously, if using these kind of materials ensure that you are using sensitive, fragrance free products if your child has sensitive skin. Let us know how you get on.


Welcome to Reception!

The first few weeks in Reception have been very busy! We have enjoyed making new friends and finding out what being in Reception is all about. We have enjoyed selecting our own resources and choosing our own activities all by ourselves! We have started to learn lots of new phonemes and have been practicing counting carefully. This week we had lots of fun telling the story of The Little Red Hen with Stan’s Cafe.

Go Read

Please remember to complete the reading log on our new Go Read programme, we can’t wait to hear about all of the reading that you are doing at home!