Art News!

Birmingham Arts School recognised Raddlebarn’s commitment to the Arts earlier in the year, when they commissioned their cultural landscape work, where Raddlebarn was awarded number 1 in the West Midlands for their partnership work in schools.

They are now hosting city-wide awards and Raddlebarn has yet again been recognised and have been nominated for 4 categories and Miss Lowry specifically for 1 award.

We were nominated for:

  • Drama award for partnerships with Birmingham Hippodrome, for the Birmingham REP sand for Stan’s Cafe
  • New partnership Award with Birmingham Hippodrome

Miss Lowry has been nominated for The Changemaker Award by a number of organisations.

This is what Bhavik Palmer from the REP has said about her:

” Angela Lowry has made a remarkable contribution to arts education at Raddlebarn Primary & Nursery School. Angela’s dedication and leadership in promoting the arts is truly commendable, and her nomination is a testament to her impactful work. The judges would like to reiterate that they feel Angela is an incredibly strong candidate for this award and she has gone above and beyond to enrich the lives of their students through arts and cultural learning. We would like to convey our sincere appreciation for her continued commitment to fostering creativity and collaboration within her school community. Angela’s long-term commitment to embedding arts practice in schools, her efforts to instill creativity in young people, and her advocacy for the importance of arts in education are all deeply valued. Her legacy of providing opportunities for students, teachers, and artists alike will undoubtedly continue to positively impact the lives of many. We are grateful for Angela’s contributions and the positive influence she has had on arts education. “