Trips & Enrichment

At Raddlebarn, we aspire to provide every child with the chance to access enriching experiences through a variety of means. In addition to our vibrant and stimulating curriculum, we also provide other opportunities to enhance children’s learning wherever possible. Special events, visitors, off-curriculum days, educational visits, residential experiences and family events all contribute to our aim to enrich our pupils’ lives, while challenging them to aspire to be people who leave their mark on the world.

At Raddlebarn we believe very strongly that educational visits and experiences enhance interest, enthusiasm and achievement for all children; these are planned to be closely linked to our topic-themed curriculum

After school Clubs and enrichment opportunities. We run a series of extra-curricular clubs daily after school for ages Reception to year 6.

After school clubs and enrichment opportunities

We run a series of extra-curricular clubs daily after school (3:15-4:15) for ages Reception to year 6. The timetable for these clubs varies across the year to allow for children to try something new. These have included football, multi sports, coding, art, theatre and dance, handball and tri-golf, gymnastics, orchestra, choir, gardening, french club, netball, sporting tournaments, drama club, bollywood dance, streetdance and forest school.

Clubs are typically an hour and cost £3.50 per session and are booked in blocks. These are booked on a first come first served basis and fill up quickly so early booking is essential. Bookings are made per half term and are paid in advance via parentpay at the beginning of the half term.

To find out about our current club offer, click here.

External sports clubs

If you’re looking for a sports club outside school, the following support school
sport or have been recommended by our pupils:

external club links