Nursery News

Wow! What a very busy few weeks we have had in the Nursery. An Afternoon Tea party and performance for parents, a visit to Uplands Care Home to meet our Gran Friends as part of Inter generational project and visits to and from Reception to meet our new teachers.
The children have also taken part in Raddlebarn in Bloom and produced the most stunning 3D crowns that showcased their amazing drawing skills. We based our idea on the beautiful book, ‘A Crown for Corina’. We also presented to our new Gran Friends at Uplands, some of the crowns to brighten up their day room.
We also visited Guatemala (well via the internet at least) to learn all about Guatemalan Worry Dolls. The children have made their own memory bags as a keep sake of their time in Nursery and created their very own ‘worry doll’ just in case they may feel a little anxious about starting school.
I know that they will continue to be the amazing, creative and joyful bunch of children that we have had the pleasure of teaching this year. So to all our fabulous families, to the Badgers, Squirrels and Foxes alike, have a wonderful summer break and we see you soon.
Love Miss Killelay, Miss Hunt
Miss Karimi