Pupil Voice

Here at Raddlebarn School we want to ensure all our pupils have a say in any issues affecting them in and around the school and want them to know their opinions count.

School Council

One way we ensure we have a pupil voice is by having a School Council. The School Council are elected from Years 2 to 6 by the children to represent the pupil’s views at the school. At Raddlebarn we encourage the children in our care to be independent learners and to develop a “can do”, resilient attitude. We therefore love to hear from the children as to how they think they can improve their learning environment. This is true of all children in our school, children with SEND included. As this is nominated by peers, it is completely non-discriminatory and open to everyone. Teachers keep track of who has been on School Council so that many get a chance at some point during their school career.

Children’s Safeguarding Board

This is a dedicated group of children who are known as the Childrens’ Safeguarding Board and is made up of a selection of willing  children in Key Stage 2. They help to support the children in staying safe and ensuring that their voices are heard. The school’s pastoral team play a key role in ensuring that the pupil voice is heard. Children can visit the team at any time of day to air their concerns or just for a chat!

Eco Council

The Eco-Council meet regularly to discuss initiatives to help make our school more environmentally friendly. They engage in a process of planning, acting and reviewing, to make positive changes to our environment. The have made and distributed bee bombs to encourage wild life and worked with a community group to monitor clean air.

House Captains

House Captains are elected each year – 2 house captains from each of our 4 house teams (Dragons, Phoenix, Unicorns and Griffins). They lead their teams throughout the year, encouraging them to put effort and engagement into their learning wherever they can. They also lead and support with whole school events.


In Year 6, some pupils have the opportunity to become a prefect. These children are chosen by their class teacher for being excellent role models. They take part in our school open days, welcome visitors and are selected as good ambassadors for our school.

Junior PCSOs

We have close links with Sarah Savage, Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) who works with some of our children to be Junior Police Community Support Officers (JPCSO). Sarah and her colleagues have worked with Y5 pupils and a special award ceremony was held to congratulate them on all of their hard work in keeping our roads around Raddlebarn safe!

RRSA Champions – as part of the RRSA Steering Group

We  have Right Respecting School Award Champions, who help to promote the principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation. They work with the teachers to ensure that the children at Raddlebarn and the school community learn about children’s rights by putting them into practice every day. They join a selection of teaching and support staff to decide how we can best promote these rights in all we do in school.

School Librarians

To support the love of reading across the school, children in Key Stage 2 volunteer as School Librarians who work hard to run the library alongside school staff. We love reading here at Raddlebarn and also value books to help us learn and grow – ‘books build brains’ and so the children really do volunteer to ensure that our wonderful books are cared for.

Reading Ravers

These are a group of children in the older years who are happy to give some of their free time to help younger children who are maybe struggling with reading or needing extra help and support. These children absolutely love reading and rave about it to everyone they meet and its infectious.

Arts Ambassadors

Our Arts Ambassadors are part of a larger network of pupil Arts Ambassadors across the city and link up through our wonderful theatres The REP and The Hippodrome. They have an active role in our Arts Curriculum and school offer; monitor resources and help to facilitate Arts events in school.

We are so very proud of our children and really invest in pupil voice as it builds confidence, encourages and motivates, values and it provides worthy life-skills for their futures.