Nursery News

Focusing on the mathematical skills of positional language and linked to elements such as ‘describe a familiar route’ within our curriculum, we have been immersing ourselves in the popular tale of ‘Rosie’s Walk’ by Pat Hutchins. In the story a hen ‘Rosie’, goes for a walk around her farm, unaware that a crafty fox is following her! The book is superb for describing how and where Rosie is going, enabling the children to understand words associated with positional language.
We have not only used story props to embed this language but also we ourselves became foxes and hens and used our outdoor equipment to build an obstacle course so we could deepen our understanding of following and describing a familiar route.
To top off the week, Oliver’s Daddy brought in one of their hens to show us. She is a magnificent hen with a beautiful plumage and lays the most scrumptious eggs! So thank you Oliver and Daddy for making this a very special way to end our very busy week!