Nursery News

In Nursery, we love to share books together. Whether they be information books, poetry or good old picture books, we just love to listen and share our favourites together. This week we have been sharing a poetry book and a new story book. ‘Brian The Lion Who Learned’ is a terrific read all about a lion who learns to be respectful of others. Respect is such an important idea and this is what we strive for together as a Nursery team. 
Following the reading of this book some of us had a go at making lion masks. The children used their D&T skills such as scissor work, attaching (glue and sellotape) and their drawing skills to create these incredible head masks – the results are simply stunning and would not look amiss in a West End production of ‘The Lion King’!
As we learn poems through our Poetry Basket, we have also been sharing an anthology book of poems called, ‘Here’s a Little Poem.’ It is a lovely collection of poems by different poets and illustrated by a whole host of illustrators. 
We took inspiration from the poem ‘A Circle of Sun’ and were inspired by the fabulous illustration. Here are some of our own creations using the poem as a stimulus. We hope you enjoy them as much as we had making them.