Meet our IEB below, or you can read more documents relating to our IEB over on our IEB page: Awaiting

IEB Documents & Details Page

Charlotte Stubbs – coming soon

Catherine Griffiths

Catherine has considerable experience at Board level having worked as a Chief Executive in the National Health Service for 20 years.

She took early retirement and went back to University to study for a M.A in International Politics, Ethics and Law.

She has worked as a literacy support volunteer for 10 years at The Oaks Primary School where she became Chair of the Full Governing Body. Since September 2023 she has been a Trustee on the drb ignite Academy Trust. Catherine also works as a volunteer with ReadEasy, a charity which supports adults with literacy.

She helps to run the Beaver section of Bournville scouts.

Colin Millett

Colin Millett has worked in the Education Service for over fifty years. He is a retired Headteacher and Senior University Lecturer, who had responsibilities for the Initial Teacher Training of primary school undergraduates when at Newman University, Birmingham.

In this role he mentored and supported newly qualified teachers, ran courses for middle and senior leaders in schools and advised Governing Bodies on how best to secure effective school governance when working in close partnership with their Headteacher and school.

Colin has also, at various times, previously sat as either a Local Authority or Co-opted Governor on three Primary School Governing Bodies in Birmingham.

He is proud to be a member of the IEB at Raddlebarn Primary and Nursery School and looks forward to working closely with fellow IEB members, the Headteacher, all staff and the wider school community.

Justine Baker – coming soon

Rev Alex French

Prior to being Ordained into the Church of England in 2016, I worked as a Secondary School teacher (Mathematics, Economics and Business Studies) for over twenty years. The last fourteen of these were as a senior leader in a large comprehensive school. Besides the day-to-day leadership stuff, the roles tended to focus on Inclusion including SEND, Teaching & Learning, Assessment & Curriculum.

I have been a governor at various schools for over twenty years. Currently I am Chair of Governors at another city primary school and before that was Chair of Governors at a middle school for six years. Governing is a privilege, not least in the ways in which it helps to ensure that schools are happy, friendly and inclusive to families, where all are able to thrive.