Safer Internet Day 2024

This year’s theme was “Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online” which allowed for open and honest conversations to be had about how children experience the online world. Children across the school took part in various different activities designed to spark discussion about positive and negative experiences online. Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 watched a live lesson from the BBC which looked at Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the benefits and risks associated with these. In Early Years and KS1 the focus was about how technology has changed throughout history!

After school, parents and children attended an E-Safety workshop designed to explore the theme of ‘Influence Online’. We talked about how some influence can be positive and some can be negative. Families were able to make a trailer for some ‘Safety Superheroes’ who were going online to influence people for good! We had ‘Superheroes’ who were going to encourage people to donate to charity, pick up litter and even how to keep safe online.

If you would like more information about E-Safety, here are some links:

Families First News



BBC Staysafe


Thinkuknow Cybercafe