Nursery News

To get off to a flying start this week, the Nursery children have been taking part in activities related to Anti-Bullying Week. On Monday we proudly displayed our ‘odd socks’ and talked a lot about how it is ok to be different. We read the book ‘Kind’ by Alison Green and this led us to create a ‘Kindness Jar’ – all through the week we have been adding kindness hearts to our jar when we have done something kind for others.
We have played some great games with socks too – always on the look out to practise our subitising skills in Maths, we used a 5 frame to show the amount of socks we were able to pick up using a ‘grabber’; this had the added challenge of using the 30 second timer too! We set a Nursery record with 7 socks grabbed in 30 seconds!
On Children in Need day, we used our Tales Toolkit to create a story around Pudsey and his friends. Pudsey wrote to the children to say he had lost all his friends – den, den, der! (they were hiding in the outdoors somewhere). What ensued was the biggest teddy bear hunt ever – lots of fun and lots of brilliant creative ideas to come out of today’s Tales Toolkit.