National Poetry Day

Thursday 5th October was National Poetry Day – the theme of the day was ‘Refuge’. Children across the school have been reading a range of poems, then had a go at writing their own. Here are some of the poems they looked at:

Nursery – Take a Deep Breath by Joseph Coelho

Reception – The Grass House by Shirley Hughes

Y1 – My Treasures by Kate Wakeling

Y2 – Nature Trailby Benjamin Zephaniah

Y3 I Opened a Book by Julia Donaldson

Y4 – On the Move Again by Michael Rosen

Y5 – At the End of the Day by Matt Goodfellow

Y6 – Leading with Kindness by Brian Bilson

Please enjoy reading these poems at home – you can find them online!
Our children then had a go at writing some poems in the style of the poets they were looking at – We have collated a few of the children’s poems from across the school onto a padlet for you to enjoy. Check them out here.
Year 6 had a really interesting poem (Leading with Kindness by Brian Bilson) – If you read it downwards, it sends out one message, but if you read it from the bottom from the top the meaning changes in a positive way – some of our children had a go at doing that themselves!
Also, children aged 8 and over can enter the National Poetry Competition. Children are invited to write a poem about how they can find refuge or a safe space to express themselves. Enter your child’s poem here by midnight on 16th November 2023 for a chance to win a visit from the poet Matt Goodfellow and signed copies of his book!