So long and farewell…

On Monday afternoon the Brilliant Badgers, the Super Squirrels and the Fabulous Foxes came together in celebration of the end of a truly magnificent year. To mark our farewells, we invited our parents and family members to come for Afternoon Tea and ‘champagne’ in the Nursery!
The children spent the day making and decorating cupcakes and practising their favourite poems from the Poetry Basket. The performance was of course, super and it was so lovely to see so many family members attend.
Goodbyes are always hard but we know that the children from Raddlebarn Nursery have had the most amazing year and are more than ready for the next part of their learning journey, whether that be here or elsewhere. It has been an absolute privilege to have been part of your first steps into school. We wish each and everyone a very happy summer.
Love from Miss Killelay, Mrs Whelan and Miss Hunt.
p.s. Thank you for all the love, support, kind words and gifts. We appreciate you all