Nursery News!

This week we have been learning all about maps and how they show us where something is located and how to get there. We have been sharing the book, Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney. We looked at globes, atlases, road maps and the use of technology such as Satnavs and Google Maps.
The children then chose to make a map of a familiar environment such as their bedroom (like the character in the book), map their house or the Nursery building.
In the large block area, we also became Town Planners and used the blocks and roadways to create imaginary towns and cities. We collaborated to lay out and construct an imaginary place where people work and live. We had to think about all the different places that are in our community such as parks (very important!), hospitals, houses, schools and swimming pools (even more important in this hot weather!). We have certainly put ‘Me on the Map’!