Return for Nursery

The return to Nursery following the Easter break has seen the children begin  our Sunflower Challenge. Over the coming weeks, the children aim to become sunflower researchers and, fingers crossed, sunflower experts!
We have started by talking about what we already know about seeds. We then researched information to be found on seed packets – there was so much to be learnt just by simply looking at the packet itself before we even sow some seeds.
The children then made their very own sunflower growing kits to take home. Our Nursery padlet will share the updates to see whose seeds will be the first to germinate! We cannot wait to research more. Next week we shall use digital technology to look even closer!
Elsewhere, we took advantage of the warmer weather and opened up our outdoor sand pit for the first time this year.. eee by gum, it’s just like being at the sea-side! The new and improved mud-kitchen (thanks to the very generous support of our families and friends through our sponsored event last Autumn) is proving exceptionally popular. There is still a little bit of work to be done, but the mud is there so what more can we ask for!