Nursery News

We are continuing our exploration of seeds on our journey to becoming sunflower experts as part of our ‘Sunflower Challenge’. The children have been posting lots of updates on our Nursery Padlet to show how their sunflower seeds are getting on at home.
This week we have been using technology in the form of digital microscopes to help us look even closer at natural objects.
We started off by learning how to use a magnifying glass effectively (very ‘old school’) then switched to the digital microscope to see if this gave us a better view.
The children had to use all of their coordination skills as they had to hold onto the digital microscope with one hand whilst operating the focus with the other hand all the while keeping an eye on the laptop screen to view the image!
We were amazed at how things look under the digital microscope. We were even able to take photos with the microscope too – we wonder if you can tell what the close ups are?  It was not long before the children became curious about how their skin or hair looked under the microscope – scabs are amazing!!!
And by Royal Appointment, as part of our preparations for the forthcoming Coronation, we also made King Charles Grass Heads!  We shall keep you all posted to see if our new King sprouts a head of green hair!