Nursery fun this week

Another great week of learning for Nursery has quickly passed us by. We have been thinking about good dental hygiene and the importance of looking after our teeth by brushing them twice a day and making sure we visit the dentist for regular check-ups. Hazel, also came to visit, as we have to ensure that her teeth are kept healthy too – just like us! Hazel has special toothpaste just for dogs and lots of different type chews that are good for her teeth – she is growing so fast – just like us!
Following on from the introduction of two Giant African Land Snails in Nursery, the children have been showing an interest in finding out more about other creatures that inhabit our outdoor environment. Our new mud-kitchen area is ideal for looking for little ‘mini-beasts’ and the children’s confidence and curiosity has grown.
In Mathematics we have been learning about shapes, particularly triangles and squares. We have been using loose parts to create these shapes and have been talking about the properties of these shapes. We have loved sharing and listening to the shape series of books by Jon Klassen & Marc Barnett.