TTRockstars Day

What a fantastic day we had! It was amazing to see so many children in their rockstar outfits. Throughout the day the children participated in times tables battles. They battled the other class in their year group. They earnt points for each correct multiplication sum they completed on TTRockstars during the allotted time. The points earnt in their year group battle also counted towards a whole school boys v girls times tables battle! The children were so excited and motivated. It was great to see.

As well as the TTRockstars battles, each year group completed a maths activity/investigation linked to multiplication. Some year groups also read a maths story and then had a go at writing their own maths-based stories! The children were engrossed in their learning. 

Thank you to the children for their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn during TTRockstars Day. You’re all maths superstars!