Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week has got off with a bang – this year’s theme is Let’s Connect. Throughout the week, the children will be taking part in a variety of activities.

Monday was Dress to Express day. Instead of wearing their uniform to school, all the children were encouraged to express themselves by wearing an outfit of their choice to express themselves. The children wore their favourite colour, style or items of clothing to express themselves as individuals. The outfits were both wild and wacky, and calm and sedate, depending on what the children felt best expressed them!

During the week, each class also will complete two different lessons which focus on the theme of ‘Let’s Connect’. They will also be part of Key Stage and whole school assemblies.

Each class has also been given a compliments jar as well, so over the week children are making each other feel good by giving compliments out.

Please watch this short video that introduces the week and its theme.