Nursery News – Chinese New Year and the Mud Kitchen!

In Nursery this week we welcomed Emma’s parents who came to tell us all about how they celebrate Lunar New Year (also known as Chinese New year and Spring Festival). It was fascinating to learn all about this very special celebration for so many people around the world. We made Chinese lanterns and a decoration to hang in the home. It featured a rabbit as this year it is The Year of the Rabbit.
Our super duper mud-kitchen is being built this week thanks to your generosity in raising over £1,600 during our Teddy Toddle event back in October last year. Here are some photos of Chris, from The EYFS Outdoor Resources Company who has been working really hard to construct our bespoke super duper mud-kitchen for us. There is still just a little bit of work to be done on it before the children can begin to get really stuck in!