Year 4’s art days!

Year 4 have had two exciting art focus days this half term: printing and sculpture.
During our printing art focus day, we learnt how to create prints using two different techniques: monoprinting and relief printing. We learnt that printmaking is the artistic process of transferring one image, from a block/matrix, on to another surface. We generated ideas for prints (based on seasons) in our sketchbooks and practised printing using polystyrene relief printing and acetate monoprinting. We then chose a final design to use for our calendars. We loved our day and created some beautiful prints.
During our sculpture art focus day, we learnt how to use paper mache. We linked this to our history topic: Vikings/Anglo-Saxons and made 3D helmets. We tore strips of newspaper and layered them with paste onto balloons to create a helmet shape. We looked at Anglo-Saxon art and tried to incorporate symbols like fish, boar and eagles on to our helmets by twisting and manipulating the newspaper to mould these shapes.