Sparkle and Shine – Nursery

Oh gosh… sparkle and shine have indeed been the buzz words in Nursery over the past few weeks!  Rehearsing and performing in our Nativity play has been a highlight and the children were amazing!
We managed to get our letters written to Santa after sharing the book, ‘Dear Santa’ by Rod Campbell. We were inspired to do our own ‘lift the flap’ letters. Let us hope with the postal strike, our letters will reach the North Pole before Christmas Eve! We are sure Santa’s Elves will help them on the way.
We made button wreathes for the Winter Bazaar and were immensely proud of the results. We hope you love them too.
Outdoors, we have taken advantage of the frosty mornings and been out to explore just what frost is and how it reacts to different temperatures… as you can see, a few children were even brave enough to experiment by taking their socks and shoes off! Thank goodness we were not out there too long!
From us all in the Nursery – we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.