Year 6 News

Y6 teachers have nominated the first round of prefects! Well done to:



They have been selected for being great ambassadors for the school. Who will be next? We will have to wait and see!


6O with Mr Orgill

Just a little something about 6O and how they have settled in.
“6O have settled back into school life exceptionally well so far. Children have come back to school with a positive attitude ready to tackle new learning and skills. It was lovely to see lots of Anderson Shelter models that were made over the summer. Children took great pride in telling the class about how they made them and the materials they used. 6O have been keen to learn about WWII and are excited to share their knowledge with their peers. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate children on the enthusiasm they have showed since coming back. Well done!”
Mr Orgill
6BK with Mrs Brill & Mrs Kyricaou

“Hello and welcome to 6BK! Our class is comprised of Mrs Kyriacou, who teaches on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Brill, who teaches Wednesday-Friday. We also have Miss Huxley, our assistant headteacher, who teaches Maths and English in the mornings. Year Six have had a fantastic start to the year. We have settled in really well and are enjoying our topic, World War Two. We are learning about the impact of the war, from evacuation to rationing.

We are currently in the process of writing our house captain speeches. Our speeches will be filmed and watched by all the other pupils, who in the spirit of democracy will then vote for their house captain. We have two captains for each house: Griffins, Unicorns, Dragons and Phoenix!”
Mrs Brill & Mrs Kyriacou