Teddy Toddle News

We are delighted to let everyone know that our Early Years Teddy Toddle raised an astounding £1,625.06p!
This total amount, in such challenging times, has absolutely blown us away! The generosity and support from our parents and families of children in the Nursery and Reception is truly incredible – there are not enough superlatives to say how amazing you are and we are so very grateful to each and every one of you who has sponsored and supported the youngest of learners in our school.
You certainly will make our dreams of a super-duper mud-kitchen a reality and we are sure that there will be more than enough now to make our water area even better too.
Once again, thank you from us all.
p.s. If anyone out there knows of any person that is handy with a saw, hammer and drill, we are looking for volunteers to help us build our mud-kitchen. Please contact Miss Killelay (Nursery Teacher) via the school office if you can help.