
School partnerships hold significant potential for supporting staff to enhance children’s development and attainment through developing a broad and balanced curriculum and offering unique educational opportunities. It has never been more important to help our children to be open to the world and to broaden their horizons.

It is vital that we learn with and from others, the values and skills of a variety of different professionals, in different fields and from different places to inform our practice. We believe every young person should have intercultural and international experiences.  We aim to create opportunities for children, families and school staff,  to connect and work together to share ideas and practices.

The need for wider cultural awareness and understanding is also vital in preparing children to enter the workforce, and school partnerships can be an effective way to build these.

Partnerships can also facilitate confidence-building among children, as well as bring tangible benefits for teachers and school staff. By giving them a real audience for their work and enabling them to develop self-esteem and confidence through communicating with peers.  By providing teachers and school staff with the opportunity to collaborate  with others innovative responses to the changing demands placed on the education system.

Many schools worry about fitting the demands of  partnerships into a crowded curriculum. However, at our school, we have used our partnership work to add depth and value to our curriculum by embedding it in what we do every day.

Our partnerships work really successfully. We believe that this is because we:

  • Have a clear understanding of the needs of your school and partner and what we all want from the partnership
  • Having an agreed focus and purpose for partnership working
  • Have a clear communication plan and an open relationship which ensures that we are able to overcome any hurdles

Our current partners are:



I – P

Q – Z