Poetry Winners – Podcast and Performances!

A couple of months ago we entered some poems into a competition run by the Birmingham Cathedral Poetry Festival about the Commonwealth Games. Over 1000 children had sent in their poems from across Birmingham – we were so pleased to hear the news that some of our children have won!
Harley and Leo from reception, Freddie from Year 2 and Kaya from Year 4 have been asked to read their poems for a podcast! The recording would be featured on the ‘Just The Tonic with Katie Derham’ podcast.  Katie Derham is a presenter on BBC Radio 3 and her podcast is all about showing how the arts can have a big impact on people’s lives. They had a great time today recording their poems and we can’t wait to hear the finished podcast!
Then Eloise and Harry from Year 6, and Harley from reception have been chosen to read their poems along with all the other children from different schools around Birmingham at the cathedral next week. Casey Bailey, Birmingham Poet Laureate, will also be there on the day to recite one of his own poems and hear the children’s poems too.
We are so proud of all of our children – they all wrote some fantastic poems – and well done to the children who were selected!