Nursery News

Nursery continues to explore the theme of journeys and maps. As part of the Geography Fieldwork, this week we have been looking at the features of our own environment. We used Google Maps to locate our school and how far it was to our own homes. We were curious about the icons used to mark places of interest so made our own to put in the Nursery for the new children who will be coming to visit soon. Just so that they know where things are!

We worked in pairs to create large scale maps and each couple then had to talk about their maps to the whole class about the different locations they had drawn.
On Thursday Hazel came to visit. She stayed all day and she was so good. However, we think she is going through her ‘toddler’ stage as she was quite cheeky and kept on stealing the soft toys from our book area! We decided to run an experiment to see which toy Hazel would choose. This allowed us to test her training skills with words such as ‘sit down’, ‘wait’ and ‘fetch’.
The command, ‘drop!’ is a work in progress – as we say in Nursery when something is hard – Hazel is not YET there but with practise we know she will get it! (That or the soft toy at least!).

As you can see in the photo, Hazel was quite tired by the end of the day but she was still on hand to wag her tail and greet the new Nursery parents who came to a meeting after school. Well done, Hazel… we love you!