Nursery News

Following on from National Story Week, Nursery continue to immerse themselves in a love of tales, especially ones from around the world, like Anansi the Spider.
This week we have been enjoying reading ‘The Runaway Chapatti’ by Susan and Adam Price. The story is set in a faraway country like India, and tells of a little girl who made a chapatti for her tea, but it did not want to be eaten! This reminded us of the traditional tale of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ man which we have also been reading.
To really get into the spirit of the book, Mrs Sakib our lunchtime supervisor, came in to teach us how to make chapattis. We also got to take home a bag of chapatti flour and a recipe sheet so that we can make them at home too!
Let’s Connect
The theme for Mental Health and Well-Being week is, ‘Let’s Connect’. We started off by talking about talking! Different ways we communicate now and in the past and how this has changed over time. We discussed the importance of talking about how we are feeling and linked this to our book, ‘The Colour Monster.’  We know that there is ALWAYS someone in Nursery to listen to us, to be there and to understand how we are feeling and to help us when we need help to understand how we are feeling.
As children we have the right to be heard (RRSA Article 12)
We made ‘talking telephones’ to connect us to each other and to our friends and family.