World Book Day 2022

We are celebrating World Book Day today – staff and children have dressed up and completed some fun reading activities – check out some of the staff costumes below. Tomorrow we are also having a local author called Juliet Clare Bell visiting us to work with the children.
To find out more information about our visiting author, please check out her website:
Miss De Beer has created a tutorial video for parents, showing you how to make a story sack. Why not have a go at making one?
Some members of staff have also been taking part in ‘The Masked Reader’ – why not have a look as a family and see if you can work out who is behind the mask… (password-has been emailed to you)
A big thank you to Friends of Raddlebarn as well, as they have paid for each child to get a book to take home and keep 🙂
We will share some photos of the day tomorrow on the newsletter so keep your eyes peeled!